Smile is often regarded as the second-best thing to wear, obviously the first being your pants. We all are well aware about the infection rate of the Smile Virus. Smile is more contagious than the deadliest of viruses out there, but very few people around world these days has a “Smile Positive” report. The smile virus has been contained to a great extent by the vaccines called anxiety, stress and unhappiness. Above all, a new competition called SARS Cov-2 has made people around the world cover their Smile with their fancy tangible masks. Smile Virus around the world is going through an identity crisis, a smile positive person is rare to spot even in the most crowded places of the world. Where did the Smile Virus go? A question worth asking. Once a renowned and subtle mode of communication, even with strangers. Smile has gotten lost in time. People seems to have moved on, maybe, now they find it hard to stretch their lips edge to edge; maybe typing on the phone or watching a never-ending web series is just too easier for them than to simply Smile. People nowadays are so immune to Smile Virus that they even don’t spread it to their loved ones even by mistake. I think their minds are just way too occupied with things that they think is important. Exchanging a Smile has gradually taken a backseat on the priority list for we humans. The Virus called Smile has been long forgotten but is it dead, extinct or eradicated? I think the answer is No. In a search of something great or magnificent, we have been ignorant of the basics. The art of spreading Smile is one such thing, it has many benefits and we all know it. Smile Virus is the most altruistic Virus humans have ever discovered. It is magical and it can do wonders in the world even without costing anything. It is the basic ingredient of all the positivity we seek in all those self-help books and motivational speeches. Please don’t let this Virus die, it is free to spread this virus and the best part it is not illegal unless you spread it in someone’s funeral. The world needs to be Smile Positive again to bring back the positivity that existed once. Look round and be a Super Spreader. Bring back the pandemic of Smiles.
Augmented Reality- A powerful marketing tool.
The capacity to add digital components to a live image with the assistance of a camera is known as augmented reality. It may or may not interact with the live view's components. The existence of a live vision, on the other hand, distinguishes it from Virtual Reality. Augmented reality in marketing, ecommerce, and advertising is the next big thing, and when combined with artificial intelligence in ecommerce, it's about to rock the world!
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